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A Jesuit Companion School is a school endorsed by Jesuit Education Australasia and is a member of the network of Jesuit and Companion Schools Australasia. At the heart of the school’s identity lies its commitment to Ignatian spirituality and its associated pedagogy, flowing from the life and example of St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. The Australian Jesuits support and companion the school in its desire to help form and educate the students, staff and community in this life giving vision of education; however, the legal and financial responsibility of the schools remains with their governing authority.
Click on the Logo to visit the school website
John XXIII College
Loyola College Watsonia
Saint Ignatius' College Geelong
St Ignatius' of Loyola Catholic College Auckland
Xavier Catholic College Ballina
Xavier Catholic College Hervey Bay
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